Posted in Nature, Photo, Photo challenge, Sunday Post, Technology

Wind Turbines

Show us a photo of natural resources, was Jake Sprinter’s challenge this week. And I am happy he chose this subject. For what is more important than finding and managing natural resources such as land, water, wind, soil, plants and animals in a way that will not affect the quality of life for both present and future generations in a negative way.

Wind is such a natural resource and can be used to generate wind power with these wind turbines.


Find other contributions at the Sunday Post.


feelgood writer | avid reader | RPGamer | caretaker of lads and cats | no lady, but all woman

31 thoughts on “Wind Turbines

  1. Nice composition, Marion. We have a couple on a hilltop just up the road, and quite a large wind farm is currently under construction off our coast. It should make for some good photos. (as well as being useful, of course)


  2. Nice picture but I don’t believe our kids will like the big fans in future.
    Turbines are terrible ugly things at the horizon. Why not put them out at sea?


    1. My uncle Albert said an interesting thing, Marcel. The old mines in the south of Limburg were a scenery disaster when they were built. Huge, ugly factories. And now they have turned into museums… I guess it all depends on the time you live in.
      But I agree with you, these white turbines are very overpowering and dominate the horizon.


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