Posted in Humour, Inspiration, Personal, Writing

My 7 Links

My sweet friend and writer Marian Allen – author of Eel’s Reverence – nominated me for participation in My 7 Links. THANKS Marian! We met online last year and have been in touch ever since.

Here are the rules, and here is list of the already nominated bloggers. At least most of them.

Are you ready? If not, I’ll continue anyway 😛 Here are my seven links:

  1. They Will Become A Memory In The Future for me is my most beautiful post. In this letter I express the things I have learned in the last ten years and then send it to myself. This post made me look back and relive the pain after my divorce, only to emerge stronger.
  2. My most popular post would be Padaung, the Long-Neck Women, a post I wrote in my developing series on the things people do and have done through the ages, for the sake of beauty only.
  3. The most controversial post would be Mother Nature. She Gives And She Takes. One minute I was admiring nature’s treasures in my garden, the next this same nature was shaking the world in an awful earthquake in Japan. Suddenly things were massively out of control, many lives (human, animal and plant) were in danger. This controversy was just incomprehensible.
  4. Death, Harsh Master, is my most helpful post, expressing my sadness and unbelief when colleague and fellow columnist Ab Bobbink died of a heart attack. Many people reacted to this poem, talking to me about their feelings, how they miss Ab. It helped them unload.
  5. A post whose success surprised me is Amazing Pictures. Sometimes it’s not the text that counts, but the images.
  6. Four rings to rule them all is a post I feel didn’t get the attention it deserved.  For others, this is just jewelry. For me these rings symbolize very important daily aspects of my life. And each and every time I slide these rings onto my fingers in the morning, I am aware of their meaning.
  7. The post that I am most proud of is The Second Room On The Right. This is the way I want to write, totally lost in the images in my head and typing with my eyes closed. To catch this state of mind again is what I strive for in my writing.

Now enough about me! We came here through Marian Allen, and it is time to move on to other blogs. My five choices:

  1. Sarah May is a delightful and spirited young woman who writes with humor and heart on  Sarsm’s Blog. She often makes me spit my tea all over the screen with her witty posts. Sarah, you rock girl!
  2. In These Are Days, Terri writes about her life, her children and husband, about Lucy (their new dog) and about life in general. She does this in a kind and compassionate way and I love sharing a bit of her life.
  3. Nandini Dhiman publishes breath taking photos on Life just is. Take your time to wander through her images and beautiful poems.
  4. Gil Gonzales, by Gil, of course. Thoughtful posts on various subjects, offering me a glimpse in the male point of view on things 😉 Exchanging comments is a joy.
  5. Life in the Boomer Lane, where Renee Fisher shares her point of view on life in an open and expressive way. A delight to read and think about.

Thank you all for broadening my horizon. And please pass on the torch! 



feelgood writer | avid reader | RPGamer | caretaker of lads and cats | no lady, but all woman

21 thoughts on “My 7 Links

  1. What an interesting, engaging and creative bunch of people. All of you must be an inspiration to many others.
    Keep well, stay safe and stay healthy everyone.


  2. Dear Marion,

    it must be difficult to choose from your own blogs and it maybe even harder to nominate writers that are equally dedicated as yourself…
    (hope i’m writing normal English sentences now 😉 it is still difficult and keeps bothering me that it used to be a second language to me when i was 18/19 years old and many years later i have to think over every word i write here)

    Glad you could make that decision, i find every piece of your writing (and that of otherwriters) interesting.

    With love x


    1. Hi Karin,
      They were indeed difficult choices, but these questions made me reread my old posts. And that was a good thing 🙂
      Your English is fine my friend. It’s all about understanding each other, right? You can talk Dutch, English or even mix them up 😀
      Thanks sweetie!


  3. Thank you for nominating me! I am going to do my best to carry this forward. No guarantees on when that will happen, but with a long weekend coming up, this may be good timing. 🙂


  4. Marion,
    Thank you so very much for the mention. I am truly honored and humbled that you’d mention me in your list, and I hope you will continue to read and enjoy my posts as we usher in a new year.
    Holiday love to you and yours.


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