Posted in Nature, Photo, Sunday Post


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When I saw this scene, my eyes were not drawn towards the grass, nor to the tree. It was the reflection that I found myself looking at… Where does your gaze wander?

More reflections @ Jake Sprinter’s Sunday Post


feelgood writer | avid reader | RPGamer | caretaker of lads and cats | no lady, but all woman

23 thoughts on “Reflection

        1. Last year a company cruelly tore down a row of trees that was growing behind my garden, and replaced them with houses. I was devastated, Jo.
          I have planted bamboo in front of my shed, hoping it will grow fast and high.


          1. That is awful Marion. I came home a few months ago to find the developer, who was building a house to sell on, next door had ripped out all my hedge trees in between the properties. I felt a bit [no actually a lot] violent towards him and avoided him for days until I was calm enough not to scalp him on sight. I think the Native American had a great idea with the whole scalping thing…looks and sounds like it could be very satisfying at times…don’t you think?


            1. That, plus hack off some body parts that are not needed anyway 😉
              I understand that business goes on, but why unnecessarily destroy trees? Why can’t they build around them?! Respect nature?
              Perhaps we should go into building ourselves, Green Building.


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